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Девушка похудела на 140 килограммов и сильно пожалела: впечатляющие снимки

Девушка весила больше двух центнеров

Похудение не всегда делает женщину красивой и молодой. Это доказывает история Ликси Рид, которая похудела на 140 килограммов. Из-за резкой потери веса у девушки появились килограммы обвисшей кожи, сообщает New York Post.

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Hi my name is Lexi and I've lost 312lbs on my own with diet and exercise. I've been overweight my whole life & this is my reality of what I've put my body through. I refuse to not share this part of my journey in hopes of it helping even ONE person. The sooner you start the sooner your own skin will thank you! The reality is I'm not almost 500lbs anymore. The reality is ofcourse I have loose skin after living my life for over 25 years overweight. The reality is loose skin is something so small compared to the new life I'm living. My skin doesnt hold me back from fitting in booths, riding rollercoasters, shopping at ANY store, walking, hiking, dancing – OR FINALLY LIVING MY LIFE instead of just existing. Skin can always be removed, but we only get to live one life. I would much rather have 10x more loose skin than be 485lbs on my death bed. Dont let something so smal be such a big excuse to not fight to save your own life. Start today! #weightloss #weightlossjourney #fit #fitfam #fedupfam #goals #dietbet #fatgirlfedupsdietbet #transform #transformation #looseskin #excessskin #instafit #gym #fit #muscles #fitfam #fattofit #obesetobeast #diet #extremeweightloss #losingweight #motivation #inspiration #beforeandafter

Публикация от Lexiiiiiii. (@fatgirlfedup)

За два года 28-летний блогер потеряла 140 килограммов. Девушка весила больше двух центнеров, но смогла отказаться от газированных напитков, алкоголя и фастфуда.

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Late night hot tubbin' with my favorite person @discoveringdanny after a full day at Universal. Fun fact – I no longer float. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Who's fedup and ready for a fall fightback? Theres less than 3 months left to finish this year fighting for your health! Why not bet on yourself with our tribe? Next dietbet starts 10/15! I joined my first dietbet in January 2016 when I started my journey & it helped me change my life! Time to change yours too & make those resolutions stick! Lose weight, share tips/recipes, giveaways including @fedupfam tees, an airfryer, & MORE! Plus get paid to get lean in 2018!  Link in bio or dietbet.com/fatgirlfedup #weightloss #weightlossjourney #fedupfam #fit #fitfam #fitspo #motivation #sweat #fattofit #obesetobeast #zumba #dance #diet #dietbet #fatgirlfedupsdietbet #fitness #losingweight #fitnessmotivation #fedup #fitfam #lanebryant #plussize #looseskin #excessskin #effyourbeautystandards #extremeweightloss

Публикация от Lexiiiiiii. (@fatgirlfedup)

После похудения кожа на животе, бедрах, руках, и боках девушки обвисла. Ее скопилось больше трех килограммов. Блогер пережила девятичасовую операцию по удалению лишней кожи.

Несколько месяцев Рид чувствовала сильные боли, не могла смеяться или кашлять. Сейчас у девушки миллион подписчиков и она ведет блог о здоровом образе жизни.

Посмотреть эту публикацию в Instagram

Hi my names Lexi and this is my loose skin dressing room reality. Will I hide it or not post it because it's not perfect or you may find it not perfect by society's rules? No. Should I be ashamed of my body? No. This body is strong capable and worthy. This body has battle wounds from one hell of a fight that dont define the final destination. This body is strong enough to not let something so small hold it back from living such a big life. The other day I found some shorts on clearance and decided to try them on before reality of my loose skin being removed hit me. They fit me, but as always my stomach sat on top. I realized soon they may even be too big and I'd have to wait to shop. I cant imagine what it's like to not have my stomach sit on my pants or have the rolls I've always had. This has always been part of me and my truth. This body has carried me and loved me for so long – it's time I carry it easier and love it back. #looseskin #excessskin #skin #plasticsurgery #weightloss #diet #extremeweightloss #fedupfam #weightlossjourney #gym #plussize #effyourbeautystandards #instafit #workout #obesetobeast #fattofit #fitfam #shefit #sportsbra #kohls #selflove #weightlossjourney #vulnerable #health #indiana #fedupfam

Публікація від Lexiiiiiii. (@fatgirlfedup)

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